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Top 10 Quotes of Harold Wallace Rosenthal: ✺ Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer... and we are his chosen people. ✺ We Jews have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we promote both sides of the issue as confusion reigns. With their eye's fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is behind every scene. We Jews toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse. ✺ We have castrated society through fear and intimidation. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine outward appearance. Being so neutered, the populace has become docile and easily ruled. As all geldings in nature, their thoughts are not involved with the concerns of the future and their posterity, but only with the present toil and the next meal. ✺ Prior to 1968, the gullible gentiles could take a one dollar Federal Reserve note into any bank in America and redeem it for a dollar which was by law a coin containing 412 1/2 grains of 90 per cent silver. Up until 1933, one could have redeemed the

Top 10 Quotes of Harold Wallace Rosenthal: ✺ Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer... and we are his chosen people. ✺ We Jews have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we promote both sides of the issue as confusion reigns. With their eye's fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is behind every scene. We Jews toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse. ✺ We have castrated society through fear and intimidation. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine outward appearance. Being so neutered, the populace has become docile and easily ruled. As all geldings in nature, their thoughts are not involved with the concerns of the future and their posterity, but only with the present toil and the next meal. ✺ Prior to 1968, the gullible gentiles could take a one dollar Federal Reserve note into any bank in America and redeem it for a dollar which was by law a coin containing 412 1/2 grains of 90 per cent silver. Up until 1933, one could have redeemed the same note for a coin of 25 4/5ths grains of 90 per cent gold. All we do is give the goy more non-redeemable notes, or else copper slugs. But we never give them their gold and silver. Only more paper. ✺ Anti-Semitism does not signify opposition to Semitism. There is no such thing. It is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word used to brand as a bigot, like you guys, anyone who brings criticism against Jews. We use it against hate-mongers. ✺ It is a reality that we have complete control of organised Christianity. Almost anywhere, completely. We 'Jews' must become lawyers so we could control and strangle the courts, we should become teachers and leaders in all the churches. ✺ We Jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. While the naive Americans wait for Khrushchev to bury them, we have taught them to submit to our every demand. ✺ We are the necessary element since we expend nothing. Management can create its own capital -- the profits. Its business would grow and profits increase. Labor would prosper as well, while the price of the product would remain constant, the prosperity of industry, labor and management would continually increase. We Jews glory in the fact that the stupid goy have never realized that we are the parasites consuming an increasing portion of production while the producers are continually receiving less and less. ✺ The United Nations is nothing but a trap-door to the Red World's immense concentration camp. We pretty much control the U.N. ✺ These elites, preferring to work in private, are rarely found posed for photographers, and their influence upon events has therefore to be deduced from what is known of the agencies they employ. 🖎 Author: Harold Wallace Rosenthal ♛ Career: Life: November 2, 1947 - August 11, 1976 #quotes_Harold_Wallace_Rosenthal, #quotes_Stupid, #quotes__Eye



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The queen died when they brought up London Bridge last year.. or was it year before.. seem as London Bridge is the code for the queen is dead... they have been using deep state fake and body double... funny how they took the royal crest down at Buckingham Palace in 2020


Legal advice for the Zombie Apocalypse - Amazon Web Services Can you use any of Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse? While there are some practical implications associated with the AWS’ service terms in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse the legal implications have been specified in some detail, in relation to some services. Notably with respect to Amazon Lumberyard. --------- -------- ---------- --------- Tavistock Institute/MK Ultra /wash rinse repeat --------- ---------- the police have not been ordered to close vaccine centres nor are they investigating the allegation put forward at the London police station. The police said a crime book number had been issued the allegation looked at and a decision had been made it did not qualify for investigation and the matter is closed. ---------- Farming Insider Warns The Coming Food Shortages Are Going To Be Far Worse Than We're Being Told As I’ve been warning, I’m hearing these same things from farmers: prices for inputs have exploded IF they are available at all! A controlled demolition of our food supply is ongoing. #FoodShortage #fertilizer #SupplyChain --------- ---------- --------- ---------- Don't you want to pray for those families who allow this to happen Seeking the Truth ----------- The Novak Djokovic distraction - reverse manipulation and symbolic spell casting continues^^^^^ Can you see the blatant play on words???? Novak - Novac- No Vaxx or No Vaccination And now we've got his father publicly claiming that his son is being "crucified just like Jesus"^^^^^ "Novak is being crucified just like Jesus" in Reverse Ordinal Gematria = 531 531 + 135 = 666 According to scriptures(THE SCRIPT) Jesus was crucified at the 9th hour which was 3:00pm Jesus in English Gematria = 74 74 × 9 = 666 According to scriptures(THE SCRIPT) Jesus was crucified at 3:00pm and at the age of 33 years old or putting those numbers together 333 333 + 333 = 666 ------- Watching the 2 videos above.... Their combined output shows that in this world due to Adam, the Serpent and Eve we have 2 groups of people . The shills are correct in one sense since when they talk about 'picking a side' usual the Truth is in plain sight.....We have to choose Jesus Christ or Satan and that time has arrived. Of course we are entirely free to choose because we are God/ Yahweh's children and He gives us freewill. It's your body, your mind, your choice. Shills call this a prison planet yet it could have been so very different. It's a prison planet because Satan, the Light bearer is currently 'in charge'. True 'consciousness/knowledge' is surely not simply knowing about what the establishment is planning to do to /with us with their fake human rights acts (the word 'act' being the operative word - after all they're all 'acting' and have been since the beginning). How can 'truth' be about increasing our 'vibration' or maintaining positivity despite them planning to annihilate our physical bodies ). The 'secret' they're withholding from us is that we have the opportunity of eternal life. They, on the other hand, are unlikely to access eternal life so why would they want you to know your options? After all, eternal life isn't about being frozen like Walt Disney until new technology becomes made available . We are clearly in tribulation and possibly moved into this on 23rd September 2017 (Revelation 12). None of us can turn the clock back and as we are the last generation. You only have to see the impact of xxx in pregnancy to realise the physical ramifications. Logically, how can there be future generations unless lab technologyis used and look what a mess we're in because of that, courtesy of the fallen angels? If you understand that there is evil running this planet then equally there must be good. Yahweh. Ephesians 6:12 is a spiritual battle essentially between good and evil for your soul. That's all you possess. The good news is that Yahweh loves you now 'pick your side'. Get right with Yahweh now. You have nothing to lose and maybe a lot to gain. These are my thoughts for today. 28th January, 2022 Caroline Stephens

Seeking the truth

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