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Common Purpose - charity with private agenda yet agenda is anything but neutral!! Taxpayers beware!

Deatils of the following meeting will confirm your worst nightmares and more. Yesterday I put up a post about people who receive OBEs and MBEs and the following meeting will I hope give you cause for much concern about our corrupt system. Everything that we have believed as some sort of conspiracy during since the plandemic can be seen to have been consolidated to a secret meeting, the abandoned slides of which were found ‘abandoned’ on the web. These slides are in the public interest, the meeting will have used taxpayers money somewhere along the line so it is only morally right to disclose the content of those slides since they are in the public interest. For those who have never heard of Common Purpose UK, it is a registered charity which holds secret meetings that fly in the face of receiving charitable status. On 7th May 2020 they apparently held a ChathamHouse Zoom meeting.

Let’s take a look at the actors first - Marie Mohan

Joined common purpose in 2000 becoming chief executive of Common Purpose UK in 2014

Marie is experienced in transformational change programme design, management and delivery and has facilitated leadership programmes for emerging and senior UK leaders from the private, public and third sectors. She has led 20:20, Common Purpose’s flagship UK leadership course, for five years. She brings passion and commitment to developing programme participants to be the best they can be for the benefit of their organisations and wider society. What is the 20:20 course all about? It has two central themes: governance and wealth creation.

The fee for this particular course is £5,525 plus VAT. This includes the week’s programme materials, accommodation, food, travel during the week and a copy of ‘Beyond Authority: Leadership in a Changing World’ by Julia Middleton, Founder and Chief Executive of Common Purpose. Some bursaries are available for participants who cannot meet the full cost of the programme.

The following leaders attended as guest speakers

1. David Sproul (DS) CEO of Deloitte UK David is the Global Deputy Chief Executive of Deloitte. He serves on the Global Executive and leads the Global Client and Business Executive, which oversees, sets strategy, and serves as the decision-making body for overall Deloitte Client and Business matters. In addition to providing the leadership, management, and vision for the firm’s Client and Business organisations, David also oversees Deloitte’s Alliances, Ecosystems and Assets, Corporate Development strategy and something called Bold Plays. Well what I have to tell you now, they don’t come much bolder than this.

2. Professor Simon J Gibson (SG)

Simon is Chairman of the Alacrity Graduate Entrepreneurship Foundation, Chief Executive of Wesley Clover Wales and a Trustee of the Newbridge Charitable Foundation. Wesley Clover is a private, global investment management firm and holding company.

Simon was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his services to industry and to the community in South Wales in the 1999 Queen’s Birthday Honours list. In the 2018 New Year’s Honours list he was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for services to the economy of Wales. He is also a Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Gwent. An OBE and CBE?!!

At the meeting it is recorded that his role (acting?) is Chair of Innovation Point and 5G Expert as Chair of the 5G advisory Panel of Wales. 5G expert?

3. Eleri Rees Circuit Judge; Court Recorder South Wales. (Incidentally after this meeting on 18 July 2000, Rees was appointed a Recorder of the Midland and Oxford Circuit.)

4. Dr. Sharon Hopkins acting head Cwm Taf Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. Dr Sharon Hopkins was been awarded an Honorary MBE for her services to the health and wellbeing of people in Wales and the UK. Sharon, Director of Public Health and Deputy Chief Executive at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB), has been in the NHS for over 30 years and has worked to improve and secure the health and wellbeing of the people living in Wales.

Born in Africa, Sharon studied medicine at Trinity College Dublin and went on to spend some time at (wait for it) the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (USA) before returning to Cambridge to pursue training in Public Health Medicine.

Sharon came to Wales in 1992, and since then has held a number of Director posts in Public Health. She has a particular interest in health inequality, resource allocation and decision making for health improvement.

5. Stuart Parfitt (SP) Chief Superintendent of South Wales Police who received at St. James’s Palace, London SW1 on 11 June 2016 the award of The Queen’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service

Finally BBC

The meeting went along the lines of:

There is an influenza virus currently affecting the world which is the real health issue but it is

ultimately nothing to be overly concerned about plainly speaking. People were knowingly wrongly given the wrong flu jab across the UK in winter 2019 following event 201, this resulted in inflammation of the larynx and people complained of having the sensation of broken glass in their throats. Following this, the rhetoric of covid 19 was spun as a virus which could attack immune systems and hence the associated panic until society was shut down resulting in Scenario (1). Scenario (1) resulted in the now well-known campaign Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives and the adoption of social distancing.

Covid 19 deaths are being caused by external issues such as weak immune systems, smoking, alcohol

dependency, mental health issues and cancer and that people with these pre-existing conditions would have been susceptible to death anyway (directly or indirectly) as an example aids does not kill per se but it weakens the immune system so that an illness such as bronchial pneumonia would be able to kill a person

without antibodies able to fight it off. It’s known that vitamin C and D, Iron, Zinc and Magnesium are, of

course, most beneficial to the human body in any case but that the NHS needs to “temporarily misinform”

people so as to prepare them mentally for a vaccine which ultimately they do not need but as DS (david

sproul, global deputy CEO, leads global client and business executive deloitte UK) and SG (prof simon j

gibson) will explain later “will be compulsory” and that the NHS will ensure happens by December 2020.

They went onto ssay that people may be forced to have the vaccine “under sedation”, if necessary and the BBC were keen to be the leaders of the message.

Concluded stating that we have nothing to fear and

that corona viruses were already in-built into the “Human System” as a Rhinovirus and that the flu

symptoms experienced were just that as O.thymy……viruses cause flu but that we need to continue to ensure that the public remains “dumb” about this.

It was stated that the media would start an “enforcement campaign” in September which would pull no punches and be as “dishonestly honest” about speaking of covid 19 were people to ignore the advice. Considerations for sentencing offenders could range from a £5,000.00 fine to 18 months imprisonment both, a combination of both if an offender is unable to pay or on JSA as well as a possible ban from returning to their community. If we are tough and robust, people will generally “fall in line” and be compliant. Extra punishments could be meted out if the offender has watched “conspiratorial” material online and these could range from 6 months extra prison to community courses and counselling ranging from a year to five years. On top of that, these people would be denied internet access for a period of five to ten years as part of a new national prohibition law intended to come onto the statute books this year as well as difficulty in obtaining employment which would impact on their family situation. Social services at request of either a crown or magistrates court would remove children from the home of the offender and would then be deemed as a threat to their safety and emotional well-being. In short, we do everything to put our


D UK is currently gathering data on the public ahead of the 5g national roll-out, hence the tie up with 5g who has been “phenomenal” with the help he has given them. The ability to know more about people and how much of a credit, or even debit, they will be to society can help its future matters and end affairs such as dealing with and preventing crime from minor fraud to large-scale riots and public disorder.

At 14.16

It was agreed that the police would press home the message that if people did not get vaccinated

then they will face arrest and a large fine or prison time but added that as prisons are finally below targets for overcrowding that g4s and Securicor would like things to stay that way as they will always need cells free just in case. ER interjected that a fine upwards of £5,000 payable within 14 days or 18 months imprisonment with no half-way release would hopefully be enough for people to see sense in this regard. Mention made of possible plans to seize computers/laptops from those responsible or “in league” with those spreading the wrong misinformation as one way of preventing its spread and that he was hopeful that DS and deloitte UK will work with all the police forces in England and Wales to allow them to prevent the spread quicker

through faster decryption of isps and vpns in order that there is absolutely no hiding room for these

perpetrators and that the above could be done without warrant if needs be and it would be acting in the public interest.

Follow up Zoom meeting

Monday 11 May 2020

All attendees to the Zoom Webinar believed that it was beneficial to the ongoing Covid 19 scenario

They said that they needed to avoid complacency and effectively disallow those spreading the ‘wrong type of misinformation’.

With regards to the above there needs to be a greater incentive for people to just do this - large fines and

prison sentences to withdrawing their privileges under IPL (Internet Prohibition Laws) possible involvement of Social Services in order to remove vulnerable children from what would be deemed as “unsafe environment”.

There will be an important role for the media to constantly push the agenda that only “Main Stream” and Fact Checked and Verified” Media should be … and adhered to – will mean more people online to check what is being said and to flag and request account bans for those flouting the rules.

An incentive scheme similar to the anonymous Crimestoppers helpline is to be set up within the next few weeks in order for people to report “fake news” with regards to Covid 19 as well as people knowingly

spreading “misinformation”. Common Purpose UK is glad to report that this is as a direct result of this

meeting and that all Police Forces and Community Councils are on board with this idea in addition to

reporting …. For those people breaking Covid 19 Social Distancing Rules.

People will need to co-operate and encourage others to co-operate if they want society to reopen.

The above is related to 5g being rolled out without further delay and Deloitte UK gathering data on the Public from September 2020 as part of the UK’s National Vaccination Plan (NVP) which coincides with the launch of GCS. What is GCS? Government Communication Service?

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