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United States v. Ghislaine Maxwell: A Case Study in Judicial Corruption

Writer's picture: Caroline StephensCaroline Stephens

That the federal government and its agencies are unspeakably corrupt

is not lost on anyone who has been paying attention. While monied

interests have attempted to wield influence on America's political

processes since the country's founding, the government was consumed by

the swamp during the Clinton Administration during which time both

Democrats, led by President Bill Clinton, and Republicans, led by

Congressmen Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay, lobbied aggressively to

secure Communist China's membership in the World Trade Organization on

behalf of multinationals seeking to tap its vast, unregulated markets

and cheap labor.

The Clintons corrupted everything they touched – and learned to

weaponize the government, courts, and media to neutralize enemies,

reinforce their political power, and redistribute the spoils of

politics to themselves and their allies.

Through the Lewinsky scandal, which nearly felled the Clinton

presidency, the Clintons learned how high profile prosecutions could

serve diversionary purposes while appearing to pursue justice. During

this scandal, independent counsel Ken Starr investigated the President

on his abuse of an intern. At the same time, the public's attention

– and the law – were being redirected away from emerging charges

of treason against the Clintons who had weakened America's national

security and competitive commercial standing on behalf of Communist

China which had bankrolled Clinton's presidential campaign.

Afterward, Hillary Clinton exploited the Lewinsky scandal to maximum

political effect, parlaying her image as a wronged woman betrayed by

her philandering husband into a Senate seat, making her a newly minted

Senator for New York in which she focused her attentions on corralling

campaign contributions from corporations within her hands so that she

would single handedly determine which Democrats received corporate

campaign contributions based upon their fealty to the corporate agenda

– one of promoting cheap labor and open borders, eliminating

protections and rights for America's workers, shielding corporations

from taxes and federal investigations while promoting corporate

subsidies by way of endless bailouts, government contracts, corporate

welfare programs, entitlement programs and the like.

Her political ally, Congressman Tom DeLay, performed a comparable

role on the Republican side of the aisle through the K Street Project,

in which he shored up corporate campaign contributions for

establishment Republicans who towed the corporate line.

A consequence of the DeLay-Clinton alliance was that corporate money

poured into the political process ensuring that every layer of

government was corrupted by it. Not unsurprisingly, the Bush

Administration's Department of Justice became the most partisan the

nation had ever seen, one rife with prosecutorial misconduct and

prosecutions driven by political imperatives – to divert attention

from actual criminal wrongdoing onto scapegoats on behalf of powerful

corporate interests, typically to help them pursue anti-competitive

measures – that of eliminating commercial and political rivals.

Presiding over the FBI during this disgraceful chapter in American

history was James Comey. His daughter, Maurene Comey, is now leading

the prosecution of Ghislaine Maxwell, whose father, Robert Maxwell,

a media mogul, was an intelligence asset reputedly connected to the

British Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6), the Soviet KGB, and the

Mossad, all of which took marching orders from the Rothschilds and


The “Lady” Ghislaine recruited and groomed underage girls for

sexual exploitation in concert with pedophile eugenicist Jeffrey

Epstein whose client base included Rothschild-controlled British Royal

family, Hollywood elites, and politicians. Reports alleged that

Epstein sought to compromise influential people through pedophilia as

part of a blackmail operation and that he was rewarded handsomely for

it. As a Rothschild bloodline, Bill Clinton enjoyed a close

relationship with Epstein and had reputedly taken a number of trips on

his “Lolita express.”

The Comey patriarch was a board member on HSBC – which bankrolled a

film on Republican superlobbyist Jack Abramoff featuring Kevin Spacey,

an actor implicated in the Epstein scandal, while Comey was

prosecuting Abramoff on behalf of rival lobbyists who raised money for

the Clintons. At the same time, The Guardianreported, the Clinton

Foundation received up to $81 million from clients of HSBC, like

Epstein, who donated generously to Clinton causes.

In addition to betraying the integrity of his office by pursuing

partisan investigations, Comey refused to pursue criminal charges

against Hillary Clinton over her misuse of private email services.

Regardless of the merits of that case, Comey should have recused

himself to have avoided even the perception of a conflict of interest.

Comey's daughter, Maurene Comey is assistant U.S. attorney for the

Southern District of New York – a position formerly held by her

father (2003-2005). The Bush Administration tapped Comey for this


Maurene then assumed the role as lead prosecutor against convicted

pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who received a sweetheart deal from U.S.

Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Alexander Acosta,

another Bush appointee who held that position during roughly the same

time frame as her father (2003-2005) while pursuing an indictment

against Abramoff.

Maurene Comey is now lead prosecutor in the criminal case against

Ghislaine Maxwell who has been charged with sex trafficking charges,

with Epstein, faces a prospective prison sentence of up to 50 years,

if convicted.

While prosecuting the Epstein case, Maurene reportedly lost and then

found footage of Epstein's prison cell.

Maurene also participated in the Women's March on Capitol Hill to

protest President Donald Trump's inauguration reflecting partisan


Of note, Maurene was also involved in a case against the infamous

gynecologist Robert Hadden who had allegedly sexually assaulted women

in his case, including, for example the wife of presidential

candidate Andrew Yang. The prosecution opted for a plea deal,

allowing Hadden to remain out of prison and forfeit his medical


The relatively lenient sentence was overseen by the Manhattan

District Attorney Cy Vance who resisted pleas to investigate powerful

movie mogul and friend of the Clintons, Harvey Weinstein, who sexually

preyed upon young women.

Maurene is married to Lucas Issacharoff, US. Assistant Attorney for

the SDNY's Civil Division, whose father, Samuel Issacharoff,

contributed to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

Samuel Issacharoff was also a member of the Spartacist League, a

section of the International Communist League (Fourth

Internationalist) which characterizes itself as a “revolutionary

communist” organization.

The American public deserve a full accounting of how Ghislaine (and

Epstein) compromised national interest and government officials on

behalf of shadowy (and possibly communist) foreign interests. The

children abused by them deserve justice – and this can only be

pursued by prosecutors who are not politically and personally

compromised and who have demonstrated a healthy respect for the

integrity of its political institutions and democratic processes. The

public should demand that Maurene Comey recuse herself – and a new

trial should potentially be sought, one that stands to serve the

public interest, rather than limit the exposure of powerful interests

that have undermined America's position in the world to further their

own private gain – and those of shadowy elites – at the expense of

the public good.

Susan Bradford is the author of Lynched! The Shocking Story on How

the Political Establishment Manufactured a Scandal to Have Republican

Superlobbyist Jack Abramoff Removed from Power. Among her other books

are Royal Blood Lies and Tartar Treachery. Susan Bradford's website

can be viewed here:

(c) Susan Bradford 2021

Please note that this article must not be reproduced. I have received personal authorisation from Susan in this particular instance.

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