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Writer's pictureCaroline Stephens

On the Road to Marrakesh!

Why are we looking to Northern Irish border when we have far more pressing matters on our French border?

Let’s take a brief look at the Marrakesh Declaration from last year.It begins….WE, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, of the Interior, of Integration, in charge of Migration and high representatives of countries which include Spain, France, Nigeria, Tunisia, Mali, Cameroon and UK.

And these countries

MET on the 2nd May 2018 in Marrakesh, at the invitation of the Kingdom of Morocco. The King of Morocco’s daughter, Audrey Azoulay, a former French cultural politician and a 2019 Bilderberg attendee, is the first Jewish leader of UNESCO and considered to be no. 7 of the most influential Jews worldwide according to the Jerusalem Post.


  1. ACKNOWLEDGED the growing relevance of migration issues in particular in Euro-African and Intra-African relations as well as the need to identify coordinated responses for the management of migration flows in all their aspects

  2. RECALLED the commitments made by the Rabat Process partners in the framework of the 2006 Joint Africa-EU Declaration on Migration and Development, the 2014 Africa-EU Declaration on Migration and Mobility, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations in 2015 in which States pledged to “leave no-one behind”, the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants adopted the 19th September 2016 by the United Nations, the United Nations Declaration of the High-level Dialogue on International Migration of 2013, and the Political Declaration of the 5th African Union – European Union Summit of 2017

  3. REAFFIRMED the commitments made by the Rabat Process partners at the Valletta Summit on Migration in November 2015 and the Senior Officials’ Meeting of Valletta in February 2017, as well as their adherence to the principles of solidarity, partnership and shared responsibility in the joint management of migration issues in full respect of human rights

AGREE EQUALLY to implement, in a balanced way, the Action Plan which is thus adopted by incorporating the following cross-cutting priorities:

  1. A human rights-based approach: the implemented actions will contribute to fully respecting the human rights and dignity of refugees and migrants, IRRESPECTIVE of their migration status;

  2. . Particular attention will be paid to the issues of gender and the protection of migrants in vulnerable situations including, in particular, women and children;

This is important = 3. Increased attention to the fight against xenophobia, racism and discrimination: the partners will undertake efforts to combat these phenomena, and to promote a balanced narrative on migration based on facts and highlighting their positive contribution to the development of societies in countries of origin, transit and destination;

4. An inclusive and multi-stakeholder approach: in their interventions, the partners will seek to involve all the actors under the coordination of the national authorities (regional organisations, local authorities, traditional and customary authorities, representatives of civil society and migrant and refugee communities, social partners, the private sector, the media and so forth.

Marrakesh Action Plan 2018-2020

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Rabat Process partners recognise the need to encourage and to strengthen the pathways to REGULAR migration, based on efficient civil registration systems, and to promote the mobility of certain categories of travellers (in particular, businessmen and businesswomen, young professionals or researchers) between European and North, West and Central African countries.

Encourage the establishment of exchange networks between vocational training institutes and employment agencies in Europe and Africa, in order to draw full benefit from the skills of young migrants and to adapt technical training to the needs of the labour market. Particular attention will be paid to activities targeting women and youth.I would just like to remind people that this agreement was signed, irrespective of whether we remain or leave the EU. Where was the consultation in Parliament?

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