The saying goes….
“A Picture Paints A Thousand Words”
What about if a picture only needed to paint three words !?
Three words that add up to…three numbers !?
You’re looking closer now aren’t you ?
Closer…closer still 👀
There are multiples of 6 imbedded in this one image-the last 3 fingers arch to form the rotund of the 6-the top finger arch’s to form the signature but….wait a minute !?
Why has musk been shown here with 2 index first fingers 👀giving him 5 fingers and 1 thumb 👍🏾
All in plain sight right-but how many other symbols of 6 can YOU find imbedded.
It’s their game of ‘catch me if you can’ or is it a message to fellow brothers and sisters.....?!!!

Illuminati eye

And of course…the horned depicted fire god of the underworld Lucifer/Satan - as he watches from above - burn his creation of control (cremation of MONEY 💴)!!!