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Identity in a Digital World – World Economic Forum - Part 3 - Our Identity will be Digital

Writer's picture: Caroline StephensCaroline Stephens

Our world is rapidly changing and soon the only personal identification will be a digital one; physical driver’s licenses, birth certificates, social security cards, and passports, etc., that have heretofore been accepted as valid identification, will be obsolete. With digital currency and a cashless world coming, digital identification will be needed for a basket of functions, including financial services!

As ominous as that data is, consider further what Bill Gates has stated: electronic tattoos will replace smartphones, WITH THOSE ELECTRONIC TATTOOS BEING PLACED ON THE PHYSICAL BODY. Connecting the dots – and adding the detail that the digital ID will be connected to a coming microneedle patch vaccine (which simultaneously leaves behind a scannable, invisible-to-the-naked-eye quantum dot tattoo at the vaccination site), then time must be very short for the faithful, who wisely refuse their invisible vaccine mark stamp digital ID e-tattoo needed to buy or sell. God’s word states:

He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that NO ONE COULD BUY OR SELL UNLESS HE HAD THE MARK, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. (Rev 13:16,17)

So back to the WEF document - Identity in a Digital World 2018 where the elites want to impose a digital identity system.

Identity – shaping social contracts Nothing is as fundamental to human beings as identity. Our identity is, literally, who we are: a combination of personal history, innate and learnt beliefs and behaviours, and a bundle of cultural, family, national, team, gender or other identities. However we understand it, identity always matters. (of course in Part 1 I stated that Understanding your identity in God starts with understanding who He is, what He says about Himself, and what He says about you. Your identity can be defined by who God is making you to be in His image).

Our identity is important because it exists in relation to others. It exists in relation to the economic and social structures in which we live. How we are represented in economic, political and other societal systems – and our degree of choice and control as to how we are represented in these systems – sets the parameters for the opportunities and rights available to us in our daily lives. Throughout history, we see again and again hard fought battles and revolutions where individuals demand recognition and rights. From “no taxation without representation” to the ending of apartheid, how individuals are represented in society has been the bedrock for reimagining and renegotiating the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of individuals and the organizations to which they relate. The earliest definitions of the polis and citizen in Ancient Greece, the Magna Carta and the US Constitution were all acts that defined the social contracts between people and institutions. Whether we want it or not, our identity is increasingly digital, distributed and a decider of what products, services and information we access. This identity online is not simply a matter of a website login or online avatar – it is the sum total of the growing and evolving mass of information about us, our profiles and the history of our activities online. It relates to inferences made about us, based on this mass of information, which become new data points. Today, the average internet user has 92 online accounts, and is likely to have over 200 by 2020.

Right I’m going to stop reading from the document - what do they mean by ‘Whether we want it or not, our identity is increasingly digital?????’ Where has the liberte, egalite, fraternite from the Age of the Enlightenment gone? Out of the window!!

It was always a fake promise anyway because there has always been 2 tiers in society – them and us!

Back to the document

1 The drivers for most of these online “logins” and related data are near-term goals of institutions to improve efficiency or enhance revenue relating to specific services. Each may be well intentioned. However, when combined, the explosion of digital services and the lack of common norms mean that the systemic effect is greater than the sum of its parts. The result for individuals is a decreasing understanding of or control over how they are represented online. With that digital representation determining so much of how we live our lives, these changes add up to a rewriting of the social contract, and we are barely even aware of it. Any discussion on shaping digital identities should start and end with the individual – one who is born into a fully digital world – and what these identities mean for that person’s future. We must design trust into systems from the outset.

Err – design trust? Let’s take a look at the UK government’s website at this point re. digital identity.

Policy paper

The UK digital identity and attributes trust framework

Published 11 February 2021

Matt Warman MP, Minister for Digital Infrastructure

It has become increasingly important in this digital age to be able to establish trust, particularly online. This is the foundation thriving markets are built on. Having an agreed digital identity that you can use easily and universally will be the cornerstone of future economies.

There are times in day-to-day life when you may be asked to prove something about yourself to access a service or product. When buying alcohol you may need to prove you are over 18. When opening a bank account you need to certify who you are and where you live. When starting a new job you need to clear pre-employment screening.

This might be easy if you have a passport or driving licence and you are able to offer these face to face. At other times it can be difficult. You may not have recognised physical documents or may not be able to travel to prove you are who you say you are. Physical documents can also be stolen, falsified or misplaced. They can be expensive to replace and their loss can lead to identity theft and fraud.

This government is committed to solving these problems digitally and without the need for a national identity card.

In response to last year’s Digital Identity Call for Evidence, we committed to:

  • creating a clear framework of rules which show what ‘good’ digital identities look like — this will enable business to innovate, and help you to access products and services with ease, confident that there are standards in place to protect you from fraud and safeguard your privacy

  • establishing a governance and oversight function to own these rules, keep them up to date, and make sure they are followed

  • developing proposals to remove legislative and regulatory blockers to the use of secure digital identities and establish safeguards for citizens

This document, the first ‘working’ version of the UK digital identity and attributes trust framework, is an important step to meeting these commitments.

I want the trust framework to help facilitate a clear understanding between people using identity products, the organisations relying on the service and the service providers, letting each party know data is being used appropriately and kept safe.

Successfully combating fraud and cyber crime can only be achieved by government working with the private sector. This framework, which will need to be underpinned by further new robust legislative and regulatory mechanisms before it can be finalised, can help to strengthen how we work together to restrict opportunities for criminals and protect people.

The trust framework is being published now as a first stage industry prototype (or ‘alpha’) so that we can test it with services, industries, organisations and potential users. My department is taking this collaborative approach to make sure that when the final version is published it meets the needs of those who will rely on it.

Publishing an ‘alpha’ version allows these key stakeholders to continue to provide feedback as the document is iterated. It also gives service providers and relying parties early insight into the rules of the road and gives you, the user, confidence your digital identity and attributes will only be shared in a controlled and protected way. My department will actively seek feedback from across industry, civil society, other government departments, and the public sector over the coming months to develop the document further. All the trust framework joining requirements in the ‘alpha’ are subject to change in line with the feedback we receive.

The trust framework approach is gaining traction globally - Canada, Australia, Sweden and New Zealand are taking this route. We will continue to work with our international partners to make sure our standards are interoperable with those adopted abroad, so in the future you can use your digital identity around the world and UK businesses can trust digital identities created elsewhere.


Sarah is in the queue for a nightclub and the door security guard asks for her ID. Instead of showing her passport, which contains lots of personal information, she instead uses her already created digital identity. She signs in on her phone using secure biometric authentication and shows the QR code to the security guard. The security guard can then scan this code, see it is a valid identity, and receive confirmation that Sarah is over 18 years old, without seeing any more details such as her date of birth or address.

So basically the government is pretending to sell us a ‘product’ that they are already going to implement on the basis of us losing our documents. Do they think we’re that stupid?!!

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