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Business for Sterling- interesting

Writer's picture: Caroline StephensCaroline Stephens

Business for Sterling(BfS) is a non-party organisation with a council of about 1,000 business leaders. BfS has a national network of thousands of business supporters with business councils in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and every English region.

List: Piers Adam, Director, Rock Clubs

Adam Afriyie, Managing Director, Connect Support Services Ltd

David Agnew, Chairman and Managing Director, Issac Agnew (Holdings) Ltd

Sir Rudolf Agnew, former Chairman, LASMO plc

Nick Alexander, Director, 365

Mohammed Ali, Proprietor, Ambala Food

David Allen, Chairman, DHL International (UK) Ltd

Meg Allen, Chairman, DRAMLA SA

Nigel Alliance OBE, Director, N Brown Group plc

Andrew Allum, Partner, LEK Consulting

Henry Angest, Chairman & Chief Executive, Secure Trust Banking Group plc

Sir Michael Angus, former Chairman, Unilever plc

Martyn Arbib DL, Founder and former Chairman, Perpetual plc

Gary Ashworth, Chairman, Mighty Match plc

Edward Atkin, Managing Director, Cannon Avent Group plc

David Bailey, Chairman, auxinet plc

Roy Bailie CBE, Chairman, W&G Baird Group

Professor Sir James Ball, Professor Emeritus, London Business School

Martin Ballinger, Chief Executive, Go-Ahead Group plc

Hew Balfour, Chief Executive, Havelock Europa plc

Michael Balfour, Managing Director, Fitness First plc

Sir Anthony Bamford, Chairman, JC Bamford Excavators Ltd

Nicholas Barber, Chairman, Bolero International Ltd

Patrick Barbour, Director, Microgen plc

Colin Barrow, Chairman, Sabre Fund Management

Tom Bartlam, Managing Director, Intermediate Capital Group plc

John Barton, former Chairman, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc

Peter Barton, Deputy Chairman, Alliance & Leicester plc

Ken Bates, Chairman, Chelsea Village plc

Neville Baxter, Managing Director, The RH Group Ltd

Christopher Beale, Chairman, Institute of Directors

Sir Philip Beck, former Chairman, John Mowlem & Co

Sir John Beckwith, Chairman, Pacific Investments plc

Lord Bell, Chairman, Chime Communications plc

Simon Bentley, Chairman, Blacks Leisure Group plc

Marcus Beresford, former Chief Executive, GKN plc

David Bernstein, Chairman, Manchester City Football Club plc

Nicholas Berry, Chairman, The Stancroft Trust

James Bethell, former Head of Media, Ministry of Sound

Sir Hugh Bidwell GBE, former Lord Mayor of London & former Chairman, British Invisibles

Richard Biffa, Deputy Chairman, Shanks plc

John Biggin, Managing Director, Keltruck Ltd

Brian Bird, Chairman, Bird Port Ltd

Charlotte Black, Marketing Director, Brewin Dolphin Holdings plc

Julian Blackwell, President, Blackwell Ltd

Lord Blackwell, Director, Dixons Group plc

Robert Boas, Consultant, UBS Warburg

Richard Boggis-Rolfe, Managing Director, Odgers Ray & Berndston

Nicholas Boles, Chief Executive, Longwall Holdings Ltd

John Booth, Managing Director, Roland (UK) Ltd

Roger Bootle, Managing Director, Capital Economics Ltd

Jamie Borwick, Managing Director, Love Lane Investments Ltd

James Bowdidge, Director, The Property Merchant Group

John Brackenbury CBE, Director, SFI Group Ltd

Iain Breese, Chairman, Westler Foods Ltd

Michael Brent, Managing Director, Trimite Ltd

David Briggs, Chief Executive, Dawsons Music Ltd

Michael Brinton, Chairman, Brintons Ltd

Simon Brocklebank-Fowler, Managing Partner, Cubitt Consulting

Roger Brooke, Chairman, Innisfree Ltd

Alan Brown, Group Chief Investment Officer & Chairman, State Street Global Advisors UK Ltd

Peter Brown, Managing Director, Timsons Ltd

Dr Philip Brown, Executive Chairman, PJB Publications Ltd

Peter Buckley, Chairman, Caledonia Investments plc

Esmond Bulmer, Chairman, HP Bulmer Holdings plc

Richard Burrows, former Chairman, Le Bas Investment Trust Ltd

Robert Burton, Managing Director, Thrifty Car Rental

Joel Cadbury, Chief Executive, Longshot Ltd

Justin Cadbury, Chairman, Data Broadcasting International Ltd

David Caldow, Chairman, Burndene Investments plc

Charles Cameron, Chief Executive, InTechnology plc

Mark Cannon-Brookes, Director, NCL Investments Ltd

Ron Carlier, Chief Executive, R K Carvill & Co Ltd

Alun Cathcart, Chairman, Selfridges plc

Stephen Catlin, Chairman, Catlin Underwriting Agencies Ltd

John Caudwell, Chairman, The Caudwell Group

Lord Chadlington, Group Chief Executive, Huntsworth plc

Gilbert Chalk, Partner, Baring Private Equity Partners

Sir Colin Chandler, Chairman, Vickers Defence Systems

Keith Chairman, Findel plc

Kit Chapman MBE, Founder and Chief Executive BRAZZ plc; Proprietor, The Castle at Taunton

John Clare, Chief Executive, Dixons Group plc

Robin Clark, Chairman, Taylor Clark plc

Duncan Clegg, Chairman, Low & Bonar plc

Lord Clitheroe, former Chairman, Yorkshire Bank plc

Algy Cluff, Chairman & Chief Executive, Cluff Mining plc

John Craig, Director, European & General Investment Trust plc

Sir Michael Cobham CBE, Life President, Cobham plc

Kay Coleman OBE, Chief Executive, Harveys & Co Ltd

Richard Collins, Chairman, F L Estates Ltd

Roderick Collins, Founder, Firecrest

Professor Tim Congdon CBE, Managing Director, Lombard Street Research

Andrew Cook CBE, Chairman, William Cook Ltd

Andrew Cope, Managing Director, Zenith Vehicle Contract plc

Professor Laurence Copeland, Professor of Financial Economics, Cardiff Business School

Laurence Coppel, Chairman, Nottingham Building Society

Michael Cornish, Chairman & Chief Executive, LINPAC Group Ltd

John Cotton, Chairman, John Cotton Group Ltd

Sir Tom Cowie OBE, Life President, Arriva plc

Patrick Cox, Chairman, Patrick Cox Ltd

Sir John Craven, Chairman, Lonmin plc

Neil Cotton, Proprietor, Marco's Wine Warehouse

Andrew Dalton, former Managing Director, Merrill Lynch Investment Managers

Jim Darling, Chairman, Codemasters Group Ltd

Duncan Davidson, Chairman, Persimmon plc

Scott Davidson, Chairman & CEO, Lucite International

Crispin Davis, Chief Executive Officer, Reed Elsevier plc

James G Davis, Immediate Past President, Institute of Export

Ken Davy, Chairman, D B S Management plc

Michael Dawson OBE DL, Chairman, Mion Electronics plc

Michel de Carvalho, Vice Chairman, Schroder Salomon Smith Barney

Damon de Lazlo, Chairman, Harwin plc

Felix Dennis, Managing Director, Dennis Publishing

Lord Derwent LVO, Deputy Chairman, Hutchison Whampoa (Europe) Ltd

Robert Dickinson CBE, Chairman, Northern Investors plc

Rupert Dilnott-Cooper, Chief Executive, Carlton International Media Ltd

Dr Maurice Dixson, Chief Executive, Simon Group plc

Michael Dobson, Chief Executive, Schroders plc

Judith Donovan, former Chairman, JDA

Lloyd Dorfman, Chairman & Chief Executive, Travelex plc

Justin Dowley, Partner, Tricorn Partners

Jerry Drew, Director, World’s End Productions

John Duffield, Chairman, New Star Asset Management

Joe Dwek, Director, IGP Investments plc

Jamie Dundas, Chief Executive, MEPC plc

Roger Earl, Consultant, Heath Lambert Group plc

Stuart Earley, Chief Executive, Whipsnade Wild Animal Park

Robert Edmiston, Chairman, I M Group Ltd

Sir Michael Edwardes, Chairman, Strand Partners Ltd

Johan Eliasch, Chairman, Head

Ben Elliot, Director, Quintessentially Ltd

John Elliott, Chairman, EBAC Group Holdings Ltd

Dr Walter Eltis, Emeritus Fellow, Exeter College, Oxford

Alan Evans, Deputy Chairman, Hall & Watts Ltd

Sir Malcolm Field, former Chief Executive, WH Smith Group plc

David Fischel, Chief Executive, Liberty International plc

Roddie Fleming, Managing Partner, Fleming Family & Partners Ltd

Caroline Flynn-Macleod, Partner, Terrington Management

Peter Foden, former Chairman, ERF Ltd

Dr James Forder, Fellow and Tutor in Economics, Balliol College, Oxford

Hon Sir Rocco Forte, Chairman & Chief Executive, RF Hotels

Oliver Fox-Pitt, Director, Fox-Pitt Kelton Ltd

David Franks, Non-Executive Director, Regent Inns plc

Gordon Fraser, Managing Director, Probiotics International Ltd

Clara Freeman, former Director, Marks and Spencer plc

Michael Freeman, Co-Founder, Argent Group plc

Robin Freeman MBE, Managing Director, Vision Engineering

John Frieda, Chairman, John Frieda plc

Jonathan Fry, Deputy Chairman, Northern Foods plc

Haruko Fukuda

Anthony Fuller CBE, Chairman, Fuller Smith and Turner plc

Elizabeth Gage, Owner, Elizabeth Gage Ltd

Barry Gamble, Chairman, fountains plc

David Gare, Chairman, Instem Electronics

Edmund Gartside, Chairman, Shiloh plc

Martin Gatto, former Finance Director, Somerfield plc

Sir Richard George CVO, Chairman, Weetabix Ltd

Thomas Gibson, former Chairman, Thomas Gibson Fine Art Ltd

Howard Giles, Chairman, Gilesports plc

Anthony Good, Chairman, Cox & Kings

Bill Goodall, former Chairman, Volex Group plc

Dr Charles Goodson-Wickes, Chief Executive, Medarc Ltd

Jonathan Goodwin, Joint Chief Executive, LongAcre Partners Ltd

Mike Gooley, Chairman, Trailfinders Ltd

Campbell Gordon, Director, JP Morgan

Professor David Gowland, Professor of Economics, Derbyshire Business School

Ross Graham, Corporate Development Director, Misys plc

Ann Green, Vice Chairman, Harkers Engineering Ltd

Professor David Greenaway, Professor of Economics, University of Nottingham

Sir Richard Greenbury, former Chairman, Marks & Spencer plc

George Greenwood, Chairman, Steamship Insurance Management Services Ltd

Sir Ronald Grierson, former Vice-Chairman, General Electric Company plc

Tom Griffin, former Chairman, GT Management plc

Lord Griffiths of Fforestfach, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs International

Sir Stanley Grinstead, former Chairman, Grand Metropolitan plc

Lulu Guinness, Chairman, Lulu Guinness Ltd

Rupert Hambro, Chairman and co-founder, JO Hambro Investment Management Ltd

Lord Hanson

Don Hanson, Chairman, Manchester University Pension Fund

Hon Robert Hanson, Director, Hanson Capital Ltd

John Hardman, Chairman, Dewhurst Butchers plc

Stephen Hargrave, Chairman, Thomas Potts plc

Peter K Hargreaves, Hargreaves Lansdown plc

William Hargreaves, Joint Managing Director, Sisis Equipment Ltd

John Harris, Chairman, Alba plc

Lord Harris of Peckham, Chairman & Chief Executive, Carpetright plc

Jeff Harrison, Director, Tortcrest Ltd

Howard Hastings, Chief Executive, Hastings Hotel Group

Sir Brian Hayes, former Permanent Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry

John Haynes OBE, Group Chairman, Haynes Publishing Group plc

Michael Heathcoat Amory, Chairman, Jupiter International Green Investment Trust plc

Michael Heller, Chairman, London & Associated Properties plc

Oliver Hemsley, Chief Executive, Numis Corporation plc

Michael Hepher, Chairman & Chief Executive, Telecity plc

Lord Hesketh, Chairman, British Mediterranean Airways

Peter Hewitt, Managing Director, Keighley laboratories Ltd

John Hickman, Chairman, Kingston Estates

Peter Hill Wood, Chairman, Arsenal Football Club plc

Lord Hindlip, Group Chairman, Christies International plc

Alexander Hoare, Partner, C Hoare & Co

David Hoare, Executive Chairman, Virgin Express Holdings plc

Jonathan Hodge, Managing Director, Carlyle Trust Ltd

Keith Hodgkinson, Chief Executive, Chloride

John Hoerner, Chief Executive of Clothing, Tesco plc

Nigel Holt, Director, The Independent Association of Estate Agents

Andrew Honnor, Partner, Tulchan Communications

Sir John Hoskyns, former Chairman, Arcadia Group plc

Greville Howard, Chairman, Fortress Holdings

David Hunter, Managing Director, NCL Investments Ltd

Kit Hunter Gordon, Managing Director, The Summit Group Ltd Raymond Hutchinson, Managing Director, Tayto (Northern Ireland) Ltd

Kambiz Jaberi, Chairman & Managing Director, The Karins Group of Companies

John Jackson, Non-Solicitor Chairman, Mishcon de Reya

Michael Jackson, Chairman, Elderstreet Investments Ltd

Clive Jacobs, Chairman & Chief Executive, Holiday Autos Group Limited

John Jay, Director, New Star Asset Management

Martin Jay, Chief Executive, VT Group (UK) Ltd

Sir John Jennings, former Chairman, Shell Transport & Trading Company plc

Luke Johnson, Chairman, Signature Restaurants plc (formerly Belgo Group Plc)

Christopher Joll, Managing Director MJ2 Ltd

Alan Jones OBE, Group Managing Director, Express, TNT Post Group

David Jones CBE, Executive Deputy Chairman, Next plc

Peter Jones, Operations Director, Argos plc

Sir Stanley Kalms, President, Dixons Group plc

Gerald Kaye, Development Director, Helical Bar plc

Nicholas Kaye, Managing Director, Canfield Investments Ltd

Dr Terence Kealey, Vice Chancellor, The University of Buckingham

John Keating, Managing Director, Wessex Resins & Adhesives Ltd

Brian Keelan, Group Strategy Director, Jardine Matheson

Chris Kelly, Chairman, Keltuck Ltd

William Kendall, Chief Executive, Whole Earth Ltd

Rod Kent, Chairman, Bradford & Bingley plc

Sir Chips Keswick, former Chairman, Hambros Bank Ltd

Henry Keswick, Chairman, Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd

Paul Killik, Managing Director, Killik & Co

Hertford King, Managing Director, Stoke Park Ltd

Lord King of Wartnaby, President Emeritus, British Airways plc

Richard King, Chairman, Oyster Partners Ltd

Brian Kingham, Chairman, Reliance Security Group plc

Irvine Laidlaw, Chairman, Institute of International Research

Professor Deepak Lal, Professor Emeritus of Political Economy, University College London

Martin R Landau, Managing Director, MAB Ltd

Peter Lane, Managing Director, GRS (Roadstone) Ltd

David Lascelles, Director, Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation

John Lea, Managing Director, Morning Foods Ltd

Ruth Lea, former Head of Policy, Institute of Directors

Graeme Leach, Chief Economist, Institute of Directors

Rodney Leach, Director, Matheson & Co, Chairman, Business for Sterling

Simon Lebus, Chairman and Chief Executive, Kitchen Range Foods Ltd

Sir David Lees, Chairman, GKN plc and Tate & Lyle plc

Sir Geoffrey Leigh

Howard Leigh, Director, Cavendish Corporate Finance Ltd

Hugh Lenon, Managing Partner, Phoenix Equity Partners plc

Don Lewin OBE, Chairman, Clinton Cards plc

Sir Christopher Lewinton, Chairman, JF Lehman & Co Europe

Peter Linacre, Managing Director, Massive Ltd

Kevin Linfoot, Chairman, K W Linfoot plc

Leon Litchfield, Managing Director, LB Plastics

John Littlewood, Financial Historian

Alasdair Locke, Executive Chairman, The Abbot Group Ltd

Richard Lockwood, Atlantic Wealth Management Ltd

C Edward Lord, JP CC, Corporation of London

Rupert Lowe, Chairman, Southampton Leisure Holdings Ltd

Dr Gerard Lyons, City Economist

Professor Dir Donald MacKay, Chairman, Grampian Holdings plc

Peter Mackie, Director, Broken Foot Inns

Sir Bruce MacPhail, Managing Director, P & O

Demetri Marchessini, Chairman, Marchessini & Co Ltd

Viscount Marchwood, Chairman, Moët Hennessy UK Ltd

Jim Markwick, former Chief Executive Guardian Media Group

Val Marriner, Chairman, DA Consulting Group

Rt Hon Lord Marsh PC, Chairman, British Income & Growth Trust plc

Tim Martin, Chairman, J D Wetherspoon plc

Ivan Massow, Principal, Massow Financial Services Ltd

Malcolm McAlpine, Director, Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd

C McCann, Managing Director, EBS Trustees Ltd

Sir Donald McDougall, former Chief Economic Advisor to HM Treasury

Charles McLeod, Managing Director, The4Less Group plc

Nigel McNair Scott, Chairman, Avocet Mining plc

Joe MacNally, former Chairman, UK & Ireland, Compaq Computer Ltd

John Melbourn CBE, Director, Gulf International Bank Ltd

Tim Melville-Ross, Chairman, DTZ Holdings plc

Anthony Merricks, General Manager, Balfour Beatty Specialist Holdings Division

Antony Michaelson, Managing Director, Musical Fidelity Ltd

Chris Miller, former Chief Executive, Wassall plc

Edgar Miller, Managing Director, Palladian Ltd

Michael Miller, Chairman, Harris and Sheldon Group Ltd

Professor Patrick Minford CBE, Professor of Applied Economics, Cardiff Business School

Gary Mond, Managing Director, Redcliffe Training Associates Ltd

Peter Morgan, Chairman, Morgan Cars plc

Sir Douglas Morpeth, former Chairman, Clerical Medical Investment Group

James Morton, Investment Director, European American Securities

Raymond Mould, Chairman, Pillar Property plc

Richard Muir-Simpson, Finance Director, Adaptive Venture Managers plc

Simon Murray CBE, Chairman, Simon Murray & Company

John AS Nash, Chairman, Sovereign Capital Ltd

Robert Neame, Chairman, Shepherd Neame Ltd

Ted Needham CBE, former Chairman, Coalite Group plc

David Newns, Vice President International Marketing, Comus (UK) Ltd

Sir Wilfred Newton CBE, Chairman, Jacobs Holdings plc

Sir Edwin Nixon CBE DL, former Chairman & Chief Executive, IBM UK

Lizzie Noel, Director of Communications, Tribal Group plc

Rt Hon Sir John Nott KCB, former Chairman, Hillsdown Holdings plc

Julian Ogilvie Thompson, former Chairman, Anglo American plc

Bruce Oldfield OBE, Proprietor, Bruce Oldfield Ltd

Richard Oldfield, Chairman, Keystone Investment Trust plc

David Ord, Managing Director, The Bristol Port Company

Hugh Osmond, Director, Punch Group Ltd

Gordon Owen CBE, Chairman, Energis plc

Louise Patten, Director, Hilton Group plc

The Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Pattie, Senior Partner, Terrington Management

Professor Sir Alan Peacock, David Hume Institute, Edinburgh

John Percy-Davis, Alexander Forbes plc

Doug Perkins, Managing Director, Specsavers Optical Group

John Phillips CBE, Chairman, Reliance Barker Davies Ltd

Sir Michael Pickard, former Chairman, London First Centre

Larry Pillard, Chief Executive, Tate & Lyle plc

Sir Desmond Pitcher, former Chairman, United Utilities plc

John Pittard, Group Managing Director, Pittards Ltd

Dave Pittman, Managing Director & Founder, Vital Media Group Ltd

Michael Plaut, Managing Director, Northmace Ltd

David Price, Chairman, Foreign & Colonial Management Group

John Priestley, Marketing Director, Syntegra plc

Brian Prime, International Ambassador, Federation of Small Businesses

The Rt Hon the Lord Prior, former Chairman, General Electric Company plc

David Pusinelli, Director of Corporate Development, Close Brothers Group plc

William Pybus, former Director, Cornhill Insurance plc

Neil Record, Chairman, Record Treasury Management

Tim Reed, Chairman, WMT Holdings plc

David Reid Scott, Chairman, Hawkpoint Partners Ltd

Lord Remnant CVO, former Chairman, National Provident Institution

Sir Tim Rice

Nigel Rich CBE, Chairman, Hamptons Group Ltd

Professor Martin Ricketts, Professor of Economic Organisation, University of Buckingham

John Ritblat, Chairman & Managing Director, British Land Company plc

Struan Robertson, Group Chief Executive, Wates Group Ltd

John Robins, Chairman, Austin Reed Group plc

Professor Colin Robinson, Professor of Economics, University of Surrey

Edward Roderick, Chief Executive, Christian Salvesen plc

Sir Denis Rooke CBE, former Chairman, British Gas plc

Phillipa Rose, Chief Executive, The Rose Partnership

David Ross, Chief Executive Officer, The Carphone Warehouse plc

Professor Robert Rowthorn, Professor of Economics, University of Cambridge

Raj Ruia, Managing Director, Ruia Holdings Ltd

John Sadler CBE, former Chairman, Pearl Group plc

Nick Sallnow-Swift, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Land Ltd

Michael Samuel, Managing Director, Mayborn Group plc

Tanya Sarne, Managing Director, Ghost plc

Peter Savage, Chairman, Regent Inns plc

Rolf Schild OBE, Chairman, Huntleigh Technology plc

John Sclater CVO, Trustee, The Grosvenor Estate

Jeremy Seddon, former Chief Executive, British Invisibles

Paul Selway-Smith, Chairman, SVB Holdings plc

Tim Sempers, Group Managing Director, Abbey Glen Ltd

Christopher Shale, Chief Executive, Oxford Resources Ltd

Robert Sharp, Managing Director, Drake & Scull Technical Services Ltd

Frank Sharratt, Chairman, Kerr McGee Oil (UK) Ltd

Giles Shepard, Deputy Chairman, The Ritz London

Brian Sheppard, Director, Manchester & London Investment Trust plc

Stephen Sherbourne, Director, Chime Communications plc

Graham Sherren, Chairman, Centaur Communications Ltd

Christopher Shirtcliffe, Group Finance Director, Securicor plc

Jim Sillars, Deputy Director General, Arab-British Chamber of Commerce

Sir Neville Simms, Chairman, International Power plc

Michael Slade, Managing Director, Helical Bar plc

Tony Smith, Managing Director, Davy & Co Ltd

Martin Smith, Deputy Chairman, New Star Asset Management

Terry Smith, Chief Executive, Collins Stewart Holdings plc

Anthony Solomons, former Chairman, Singer & Friedlander plc

Tommy Sopwith, Chairman, Endeavour Holdings Ltd

Sir John Sparrow, former Head of Central Policy Review Staff, Cabinet Office

Michael Spencer, Chief Executive, ICAP plc

Peter Spira, former Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs International and SG Warburg & Co

Gerard Stamp, UK Chairman & Joint European Creative Director, Leo Burnett Ltd

James Staughton, Managing Director, St Austell Brewery Co Ltd

Brian Stewart-Brown, Deputy Chairman, Aon Group Ltd

Dr Leonard Steinberg, Chairman, Stanley Group plc

Michael Stoddart, Chairman, Bamboo Investments

Michael Stone, Chairman, E D & F Man (Holdings) Ltd

Hon Sir Richard Storey Bt CBE, former Chairman, Portsmouth & Sunderland Newspapers plc

Peter Stormonth Darling, Chairman, Deltec Investments SA

John B Sunley, Chairman & Chief Executive, Sunley Holdings plc

Rhoddy Swire, Chairman, Pantheon Ventures Ltd

Richard Tanner, Chairman, Tanners Wine Merchants

Marquess of Tavistock, Chairman, Bedford Estates

Ivan Taylor, Chief Executive, Pizza Piazza Ltd

Martin Taylor, Chairman, WH Smith Group plc

Michael Taylor, Financial Director, Gresham Scientific Instruments Ltd

David M Telling, Chairman, Mitie Group plc

Sir John Templeton, Secretary, John Templeton Foundation

Brian Tew, Chairman, Simon Smith Group

Professor Anthony Thirlwall, Professor of Applied Economics, University of Kent

Peter Thomas, Chairman, Atlantic Property Developments plc

David Thompson, Chairman, The Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries plc

David Thomson, Managing Director, Mitutoyo (UK) Ltd

Richard Tice, Joint Chief Executive, Sunley Holdings plc

John Timpson, Chairman & Chief Executive, Timpson Ltd

Peter Tom, Group Chief Executive, Aggregate Industries plc

Robert Tomkinson, Chairman, Pittards plc

James E Tonner, Proprietor, JE Technics

Walter Triggs, Chairman, Waltrix Properties Ltd

Sir Neville Trotter, former Director, William Baird plc

Derek Tughan, Chairman, Ralborough Securities Ltd

Rod Turner, Chairman, Whale Tankers Ltd

Mark Vickers, Director Transport & PFI, Commerzbank

Lord Vinson, Vice President, Institute of Economic Affairs

David von Simson, Managing Director, Europa Partners Limited

Sir Peter Walters, former Chairman, BP plc

Ross Warburton, Chairman, Warburtons Ltd

Sir Christopher Wates, Chairman, Wates Holdings Ltd

Tim Watts, Group Chairman, Pertemps Group Ltd

Grahame Whateley, Chairman, Castlemore Ltd

Nicholas Wheeler, Director, Charles Tyrwhitt Shirts Ltd

Stuart Wheeler, Chairman, IG Group plc

Michael White, Director, Cavendish White Ltd

Simon Whitmore, Chairman, Butcombe Brewery Ltd

Roger Wiggs, Chief Executive, Securicor plc

John Wildgoose, Chairman, Wildgoose Construction Ltd

Sir Frank Williams CBE, Managing Director, Williams F1

Sir Brian Williamson CBE

Jim Wilson CBE, managing Director, Appledore Shipbuilders Ltd

Peter Wilson, Director, Electra Partners Europe Ltd

Peter Winkworth, Finance Director, Close Brothers Group plc

Lord Wolfson of Sunningdale

Simon Wolfson, Chief Executive, Next plc

Robert Woods, Chief Executive, P & O Nedlloyd Ltd

John Wright, Director, Clydesdale Bank plc & Yorkshire Bank plc

Sir Peter Yarranton, former Chairman, Sports Council

Stanislas Yassukovich CBE, Chairman, S M Yassukovich & Co

Brenda Yeung, Managing Director,

John Young CBE, Chairman, Young & Co’s Brewery plc

Rt Hon Lord Young of Graffham PC DL, Chairman, Young Associates Ltd

Martin Young, Chief Executive Officer, Meyado International Ltd

Stephen Zimmerman, former Joint Chief Executive, Merrill Lynch Investment Managers

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