If you want to know who or what is behind 'Build Back Better' then please keep reading....
We believe working together will give us the best chance of succeeding in this moment. This is a movement made up of organisations and groups from many different places. We are teachers, healthcare workers, students and organisations who are fighting for change.
As a campaign we are run by a steering group. The campaign was initiated, and is currently co-ordinated, by Green New Deal UK, working with a growing range of groups and organisations. The campaign is drawing on existing funding from the European Climate Foundation and Oak Foundation.
Green New Deal UK
Greener Jobs Alliance
PCS (Public and Commercial Services Union)
Quakers in Britain
UKSCN (UK School Climate Network)
Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
Friends of the Earth
New Economics Foundation
Who says we're leaving the EU?!! Out of the EU and into the NWO - One World Religion - Global Communism