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Barclays Bank

Writer's picture: Caroline StephensCaroline Stephens

1 August 2019

CC to Jeremy Lefroy

Dear Mr Buckand,

Congratulations on your new position as Lord Chancellor. I am sure you will prove to be far more competent than David Liddington.

I have the unfortunate task of presenting you with a case of serious fraud, misconduct in public office and possible murder of my friend Katherine Frisk to cover up a paedophile ring.

You will know that Jeffrey Epstein has involved a number of British politicians and royalty with a blackmail and paedophile ring on his island and elsewhere. You may have read that Jes Staley, CEO of Barclays, appears to have been groomed from his early days by Epstein in JP Morgan, and been given business contracts from the man which could well have resulted directly from a child prostitution racket. You can contact my constituency MP Jeremy Lefroy, who has the details on the matter. An exposé of Epstein's grooming of his friend Staley was recently published by the New York Times.

I sent a FOIA to Parliament over two years ago, and the response was to suggest a number of MPs had misled the Daily Mail into publishing a story Jes Staley would be grilled on his appointment. A grilling session never seems to have occurred.

The Daily Mail article is here:

and my FOIA is here

The Times reported in Nov 2015 that the Daily Mail had obtained leaked email from Epstein threatening Parliament. It would be in the interests of justice for you to demand a copy of these from the Daily Mail.

As you can see from the FOIA Mark Garnier and John Mann appear to have misled the Daily Mail.

I have tried getting the FOIA published in a number of newspapers, all stonewalled it, even though it exposed serious corruption that in matters that have been spread across the press on the front pages for a number of weeks. My guess is a D-Notice has been in effect for some time. This is where the possibility of murder arises, because a friend of mine, Katherine Frisk, published my story exposing Epstein and Staley in which was also re-published on and Two days after they published the story she went missing and ended up dead in Johannesburg. There was a similar case in South Africa at the time with detective Mark Minnie, who also died after exposing paedophiliia, but in his case, the paedophilia in the Aparthei regime Mark Minnie's death was reported as suicide even though he had stated he feared for his life after receiving death threats. There appears to have been no attempt to investigate the possibility of murder.

Now if there is a D-notice and Garnier and Mann have been threatened, along with a number of journalists, then there is the very real possibility that whoever made the threat made good on it when it came to Katherine Frisk.

The Epstein-Staley connection was exposed in lawsuit B40BM021 in the hearing under Judge Worster of the Birmingham Mercantile Court. If there was a D-Notice then Worster would have been informed and told to shutdown the lawsuit. Worster had originally granted me a court order to force Deutsche Bank, a defendant, to disclose materials in my gold and silver manipulation lawsuit that would have demonstrated perjury - perjury that it would have committed in 2015 and was proven in subsequent fines and settlements from that bank and its co-defendants UBS and HSBC.

Barclays boss Staley had threatened me with a restraining order if I pursued the claim against Deutsche Bank. This is exactly what I got. I presume whatever powers he had to blackmail Parliament he used to blackmail the judiciary.

Worster had issued a CRO against me for asking the court to enforce his own court order that merely demanded Deutsche Bank file a witness statement in its defence. For advocating the wisdom of the court order I was deemed vexatious.

Worster said I used a wrong font somewhere in one of my many emails, and this was used as justification for the CRO.

Furthermore Worster awarded damages to the defendant Anshu Jain, former CEO of Deutsche Bank for allegations I made against judges. In the hearing Worster was paranoid that I had secreted a recording and challenged me on it. After the hearing he refused to hand over a recording a hearing on written request, to challenge the costs - a few days later after I sent the email all defendants dropped the costs awarded to them. Worster invited me to submit evidence to overturn his CRO in the hearing but has subsequently effected a block on all my emails at the Birmingham courts.

It seems obvious to me that Worster had initially done the correct thing - force Deutsche Bank to disclose incriminating materials - disclosures that were validated by the settlement in New York under Valerie E Caproni and later by the fines from the CFTC against Deutsche Bank, UBS and HSBC. But then some malign influence had ordered him to throw the case.

A ruling by Worster in my favour would have also been extremely embarrassing against your Lord Chief Justice Sir Ian Burnett, who has issued two court orders ruling allegations of gold and silver rigging against Deutsche Bank were 'totally without merit.' He had closed a request for permission to appeal the now disgraced judge Simon Staley Brown, the butt of three appeals. The ICO confirmed that Burnett never had a transcript of hearing when he dismissed over 20 allegations of corruption against Brown.

The evidence of Deutsche Bank's fake audits was sent to the SFO, the FCA, the Justice Select Committee and the Treasury Committee. Nobody seems to want to touch it. The SFO closed down investigation 9559 without explanation. 9559 was started on my behalf when Jon Thompson of HMRC set a letter to the SFO demanding an investigation.

Nobody in the entire world seems to know the name of the individual at Deutsche Bank responsible for gold and silver audits. Least of all the FCA.

The ICO spent 15 months obstructing my DPA SAR to recover my bullion trading receipts at Deutsche Bank. I had to go through Jeremy Lefroy to force Deutsche Bank and the ICO to respond. Deutsche Bank refuse to supply me with receipts, or even a bank statement. It is quite obvious receipts have been destroyed and this is a major audit failure, and the cover-up effects a money laundering violation and audit fraud incriminating the executive and former executive of the bank.

At the very least I would think the office of the Attorney General and the office of the Lord Chancellor should do the following:

Identify whether Parliamentarians lied to the Daily Mail to cover up the fact Epstein groomed Jes Staley to run Barclays and blackmailed their way to power.

Establish if a D-notice or other threat exists that stop newspapers reporting the story.

Establish if the the security services were given an order to kill my friend Katherine Frisk or anyone else who published contrary to the demands in the D-notice.

Order Worster to explain himself for the conduct in his hearing.

Order Burnett to explain why his two court orders have proven to be counterfactual - both having the effect of letting Deutsche Bank et al to escape scurrility for gold and silver manipulation.

Force a Parliamentary review of the SFO, ICO and the FCA in their failure to force Deutsche Bank to prove it has bullion trading receipts at a time when it is fined for rigging silver and gold bullion markets and fiend in 2016 for destroying materials to cover-up Russian money laundering. Presumably such AML violations would have been ordained by the executive of DB.

Force a police investigation of the materials I provided Parliament that show Deutsche Bank rigged its gold and silver audits back in 2014.

Force Baron Thomas and Jeremy Wright MP to explain themselves - they were all intimately connected with the cover up of these frauds.

As you can see Mr Buckland, there is every possibility banks escaped detection from bullion price manipulation because the head of Barclays had the power to blackmail government and the judiciary. It has not gone unnoticed that the head of JACO, Paul Kernaghan, seems to have been involved in the Hampshire NHS mass death scandal, and that he alleged from more than one source to be involved either with paedophile rings or the cover up of paedophile rings. Check out Dr Coleman's RAINS list


-- Mark Anthony Taylor

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