A warm welcome from my website carolinestephens.net and thank you for viewing!
For those who are unaware (thinking that I've gone quiet on Facebook), I'm currently on yet another 30 day ban. Earlier this week, I established a group on Telegram (can be downloaded from Play Store) called 'Seeking the Truth' in which I hope to shed extra light on matters pertaining to the Census for example. As you all know, I will tackle all subjects (bar flat earth which I know nothing presently about!!) though since I first issued this email direct, several of you have kindly tried to educate me!
You will be also pleased to see that an 'insider' has produced excellent reports connecting a lack of Vitamin D distribution in the UK and the current 'crisis'. Four articles* based on the reports can be found on the Telegram group together here on my website carolinestephens.net, the first of which I have 'pinned' to this blog page.
As someone who has been shunned/excluded from sharing by 'controlled' Facebook groups (!!), my YouTube channel removed having been removed Aug 2020, server cyber attacks on an intermediary independent channel together with the audio on Facebook livestreams 'severely tampered with', Telegram seems to be the way forward for now....
Please do encourage others to take a look at what I'm doing.
Telegram Group
Seeking the Truth Information from real truthers. A place where the government and their shills have no place Please use the following link to find the group when you have downloaded the app https://t.me/a4444444b No personal profiles are necessary.
An interesting fact that I learned today is that the rainbow (7 colours) was Our Creator's gift to man and of course we know have the LGBTQ and NHS claiming the rainbow logo but interestingly with 6 colours. If anybody would like to provide me with any other information on this or any other items for sharing either here or on Telegram, please drop me a line.
Have a great weekend!
Caroline *Why did so many elderly die? Read on for the truth. For more...please subscribe to carolinestephens.nethttps://www.carolinestephens.net/post/vitamin-d-prescribing-in-care-and-nursing-homes-a-prescribing-ban-contributing-to-fatalities-p-1