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22nd May 2022 - Dear Friend Dear Friend

Writer's picture: Caroline StephensCaroline Stephens


In your letter you asked me about the Great Reset....I know that you don't tend to follow people on social media so where do I start?

Klaus Schwab* who leads the World Economic Forum with his adviser Duval Noah believe the days of freewill are over and people are 'hackable'. We are useless eaters according to them and many of the other self proclaimed establisment. Apparently this leads to us being bored, people playing computer games.....for now...

Digitised currency / universal income, increased immigration via trade agreements/ phoney wars, social credit scoring system, rationing, vaccinations, 5G/6G, lockdown of sorts again, prison for those who refuse the vax,

disappearance of small / medium businesses, continued and repeated geo engineering of our skies together with a 'you will own nothing and you will be happy' reality. I watched a video about geo engineering the skies yesterday and it truly has led to huge increases in dementia rates….

I'm sure I've missed some items out including the estimated birth of newborn babies (baby milk products were forecast to reduce 2 or 3 years ago according to some newspaper reports in small print you understand). Check online 'White House defends formula plant shutdown' as it targets supplies for areas with ‘acute’ needs. Shutting down the Michigan plant at the centre of the nation’s baby formula crisis was a prudent thing to do a White House economic adviser apparently said Sunday (yesterday?!) as international shipments of formula that arrived in Indiana were set to go to areas with an ‘acute’ need.

The Food and Drug Administration shut down the plant in February after a number of babies were sickened by formula made there. Hmmmmm!

The FDA did what it was supposed to do which was assess safety and shutdown a facility in the US - Deese said on Fox News.…….

The Astra Zenica jab had the chimpanzee adenovirus included and now we have monkeypox **

Obviously nothing to see here, please move along.....

Please see the following which is the title of a document you can find on the internet.


Strengthening Global Systems

to Prevent and Respond to

High-Consequence Biological Threats

Results from the 2021 Tabletop Exercise Conducted in

Partnership with the Munich Security Conference


In March 2021, NTI partnered with the Munich Security Conference to

conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats.

The exercise examined gaps in national and international biosecurity and

pandemic preparedness architectures—exploring opportunities to improve

prevention and response capabilities for high-consequence biological

events. This report summarizes the exercise scenario, key findings from

the discussion, and actionable recommendations for the international



Over the past two years, the world has faced the devastating impact that a biological event can have on

human health, economies, and political stability. As of this writing, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has infected

more than 250 million people, killed more than five million, and caused trillions of dollars in economic

losses. COVID-19 has revealed that national governments and the international community are woefully

unprepared to respond to pandemics—underscoring our shared vulnerability to future catastrophic

biological threats that could meet or exceed the severe consequences of the current pandemic.

Although national and global leaders are appropriately focused on the immediate demands of the

COVID-19 response, the international community cannot postpone implementing the steps necessary to

protect against future biological threats. This must include the recognition that while naturally emerging

pandemics continue to pose a significant threat, the next global catastrophe

could be caused by the deliberate misuse of the tools of modern biology or

by a laboratory accident. Fundamentally, strengthening the preparedness

of every nation to meet these challenges is a humanitarian imperative in the

collective self-interest of the international community. Even the most prepared

nations will remain vulnerable as long as significant biosecurity and pandemic

preparedness gaps remain in countries around the world. We are only as safe as

our weakest link.

The world has witnessed how global travel, trade, urbanization, and

environmental degradation can fuel the emergence and spread of infectious

disease threats. However, the serious risks embedded in the very bioscience

research and technology advances that offer vital opportunities to counter these

risks remain less understood. Bioscience and biotechnology advances, while

offering tremendous potential benefits, also present opportunities for accidental

release or deliberate abuse of biological agents that could cause as much or more

harm than COVID-19. Scientific and political leaders must take bold action to

safeguard the global bioscience and biotechnology research and development

enterprise to ensure that catastrophic accidents or deliberate misuse do not lead

to the next global pandemic.

To strengthen international capabilities to respond to the next pandemic,

national and global leaders must build stronger public health and medical

response capabilities that can scale to address very high-consequence biological events—potentially orders

of magnitude more severe than what we have experienced during the past two years. We cannot afford to be

reactive. We must build our public health and medical systems to be anticipatory, responding energetically

and proactively in the face of uncertainty—taking what humanitarian and crisis response communities

describe as a “no regrets” approach.

Not planned at all...........

Alex Jones of InfoWars (albeit connected to the government) has put out a video that flu jabs have had chimpanzee adenovirus in them. That could explain why my Nigerian pastor thought he was going to die after his flu jab administered in October 2019.

Now let me move onto travel....I obviously would like to meet up again very soon however....

Travel - we have the 'roll out' of smart motorways which can register your number plate. Big Brother and all that! Think of the Hunger Games scenario with the 'district' system . The question will inevitably be - 'Have you got sufficient social credits to travel out of your 'district'?' Oops you are claiming benefits. Sorry no can do. As for electric cars and self combustion and expense....

Travelling abroad? Ha ha. The 'New Green Deal' was to ensure that, by and large, the ordinary folk would be prevented from doing so in the future under the need to reduce one's carbon footprint. Obviously that doesn't preclude people like Prince Charles travelling all over the world in private chartered jets. Are they busy chem trailing at the same time? Would save fuel!!


On 4th May, Switzerland lifted all vax restrictions and by 22nd May people like Mark Carney, Schwab and the rest are there in person discussing what they're going to do to us next.

Attendees include:


Alok Sharma President, 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to

the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Gerry Grimstone of


Minister for Investment of the United Kingdom

Vincent Keaveny Lord Mayor, City of London Corporation, United


Gina Raimondo Secretary of Commerce of USA USA

John F. Kerry Special Presidential Envoy for Climate of the United

States of America


Mark Carney Head, Environmental, Social and Governance and

Impact Fund Investing, United Nations, New York


Leo Varadkar Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and

Employment, Leader of Fine Gael


Hossein Amir Abdollahian

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran Islamic

Republic of


Isaac Herzog President of the State of Israel Israel

Daniele Franco Minister of Economy and Finance of Italy Italy

Enrico Giovannini Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility of


and many, many more of the good, the bad and the downright ugly.....

So the future is not bright. The colour orange certainly doesn't spring to mind. After all the sun is being dimmed.... The planes were out in force over this past weekend here. It is such a shame since I love the sunshine. Don't you?

So I’m still hoping to travel to Yorkshire and Scotland.

Everything is changing day by day. Fish and chip shops could soon be a distant memory…..and with 10 weeks' worth of wheat left worldwide well that's such poor housekeeping don't you think!!

Check out Genesis 41: 48 During those seven years, Joseph collected all the excess food in the land of Egypt and stored it in the cities. In every city he laid up the food from the fields around it.

And yes, do keep stocking up. Various reports suggest that rationing will be implemented possibly as early as August but hey!! What do I know?! Oh to be a fly on the wall at Davos!! I could then provide you with all the intel but no doubt Carney would spot me sat on a canape and I would be a gonna! Hope that we meet again very soon!



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